'I Have Been Raped,' She Texted, Mistakenly to Driver

'I Have Been Raped,' She Texted, Mistakenly to Driver

NEW DELHI The woman who was raped allegedly by an Uber cab driver on Friday texted her friend about the incident but the message, in a chilling mistake, went to her attacker.

"I have been raped by my cab driver," the woman texted, after being dumped on the road by the cab driver, Shiv Kumar Yadav.

The message went to the mobile phone of the last caller, which happened to be the driver, who had threatened to come back for her if she spoke to the police. Yadav had reportedly dialed his own phone from the woman's number and told her he would track her down.

Sources say on receiving the message, Yadav decided to leave town immediately and made plans to escape to Nepal with his family. He was, however, caught on Sunday.

The woman has told the police that she dozed off in the cab on her way home to Inderlok in north Delhi and woke up to find the man molesting her.

The police say Yadav did not show any remorse about his crime.

Yadav, who was arrested from Mathura, said on finding the woman asleep, he drove on and parked the car 4 km ahead of her house.

When the woman awoke, Yadav admitted that he had grabbed her by the throat and threatened to shove an iron rod inside her unless she kept quiet - a chilling reminder of the Delhi bus gangrape case of December 16, 2012.

Yadav had been booked in a rape case three years ago as well and spent seven months in jail. According to the case lodged by the police in December 2011, he had raped the woman passenger - a 22-year-old who worked in a Gurgaon pub - at knifepoint, after taking her to at an isolated spot.

This time, he was arrested after a two-day manhunt from Mathura. The rape survivor, who had hired the car from Uber - a popular app through which people hire cabs - had taken a photo of the number plate when Yadav finally pushed her out of the car. 

Pasted from <http://www.ndtv.com