Iron Man 3 Easter egg recently pointed

Iron Man 3 Easter egg recently pointed

Easter vacation may be over - but that doesn't mean the Easter Egg bunny has stopped delivering, and the Iron Man 3 Easter egg recently pointed out is certainly cool enough to keep the holiday spirit alive.

It goes a little something (SPOILER-y) like this:

Remember the female AIM agent, Ellen Brandt?

Well it turns out that the name Ellen Brandt has a lot of history in the Marvel Universe. Specifically, that she was the wife of the mysterious superhero named Man-Thing, before betraying him - acquiring that fetching facial scar in the process - and joining AIM.

All of which is far too much like the way her character plays out in the film to be any kind of coincidence. Does it mean, though, that we're going to see Man-Thing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe any time soon?

Short answer - no. Firstly, he looks like this:

So he wouldn't be the most straightforward cameo to feature - though he would certainly make for an interesting Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode.

Secondly, his rights are actually owned by Lionsgate, who actually released a made for TV movie version of his story back in 2005 on the SciFi Channel (back when that was what SyFy was still called). It was even produced by crossover-foiler extraordinaire Avi Arad.

All of which means this might be the closest thing to Man-Thing we'll be seeing for a while - but it's still pretty darned cool in the meantime.

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